I'm always interested in hearing what people are reading to stay up on what's happening in our industry.
It's a question I always ask in job interviews. It's critical you know as much about the news industry as the news itself.
Here are some of the people and organizations I follow to stay in touch:
Neiman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard: Neiman does amazing research and innovation in journalism. Neiman also has a
n excellent app. I find Ken Doctor's "newsonomics" series extremely insightful. If more journalists had a better sense of business, we'd be a lot better off.
The Poynter Institute: There's so much good that comes out of The Poynter Institute; I recommend checking their website on a regular basis. My two favorite writers are Jill Geisler's management blog and Craig Silverman's error blog. We can never learn enough about being a good manager and maintaining quality.
The American Press Institute, despite struggling in the past few years, publishes an excellent "Need to know" eblast.. It does a good job of taking the news a step further and highlighting what you may not know.
The Buttry Diary: Steve Buttry, transformation editor for Digital First Media, writes an excellent blog that covers everything from the latest trends, to industry happenings, digital skills and leadership skills.
Harvard Business Review: Journalists don't have all the answers so it's a good idea to look at experts outside our industry. I read a lot of their blogs to keep up on the latest business and management trends.
What are you reading?