3 non-editing skills you need to excel as an editor
Can you spell? Are you a grammar expert? Do you know AP, APA and CMS rules? These used to be the top skills required for editors. But not...

What I am losing sleep over: #5 We're too boring to read
Last week, I told you five things I'm not losing sleep over. This week, I'm writing about the five things that are keeping me up at...

What I am losing sleep over: #4 Pun headlines
My first three posts of things I'm losing sleep over were fairly complicated and filled with gray issues: 1. Math, numbers, digits 2....

Five things I'm not losing sleep over recap
To recap from my quick blog series, here are the five things I'm not losing sleep over: 1. More than v. over 2. Question headlines 3....

Five rules I'm not losing sleep over: #5 Starting with conjunctions
All week, I've been writing about things I'm not losing sleep over. The rules I've burned millions of calories stressing over that aren't...

Five rules I'm not losing sleep over: #4 State names
If you're still reading me, then I'm assuming you are not outside my office picketing in outrage over my lack of concern over 1. "More...

Five rules I'm not losing sleep over: #3 Repetition
To recap: I'm thrilled with the Associated Press changing its rule on "more than" vs. "over" and I have no problem with question...

Five rules I'm not losing sleep over: #2 Question headlines
I tried to rock the copy editing world yesterday by declaring my undying appreciation to the Associated Press for spiking the distinction...

Five rules I'm not losing sleep over: #1 More than v. over
Much to my surprise, humans don't have an infinite amount of worry genes. Or at least I don't. Everything simply cannot be the end of the...